Tuesday, November 22, 2005

New Car (kinda)

After the fantabulous Xterra we had in San Fran, I was going to trade in my Xterra for a new one, but having car payments (again) doesn't sound like much fun. Instead, I bought a junk-mobile from eBay for $200 to use as a commuter car. It gets great gas mileage! Yeah, it'll probably die soon, but it'll be fun for a little while. Hopefully this will preserve the life of my real car, at least for the short run.

In case you're wondering, it's a vintage (yes, vintage!) 1982 Honda Prelude. It has 250k miles on it, and no semblance of an exhaust system whatsoever, but it drives just fine without it. Need to email Dad about this new arrangement since he was a big advocate of the trade. I like the work-around solution better.


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