Sunday, August 28, 2005

(The FINAL) Tribute to Kebwin.

I need to follow up with my last comment to W, and also to you, whom I most likely promised a re-dig in old emails to find correspondence with Kebwin. Please note that THIS POST WILL BE LONG. VERY VERY LONG. So if you're reading this on the weekend, please close your browser and save it for a work day. Thank you!

Hi V,
Remember when we talk the other day, you said I was sensitive to your needs. That was not the case on Monday when I send you the link for the Master program and you responded to the email but I did not write back to you. I’m sorry for not writing back to you, I thought that I could call you after I went to class that night and talk to you later. I’m sorry for my presumption that I can talk to you anytime I wanted to.

Ever since you went home to direct the movers to move your stuffs down here, I have not been doing anything right regarding you and your needs. I hope I can make up some of the mistakes that I have made someday soon. Although I have known you for about 2 months, you understand me more than anybody who have known me for a long time.

I have missed seeing you the last 2 weeks, the first week you were in class, this past week I have a sore throat so I didn’t come down to see you and talk to you. I know that should not be the excuse but I hope I can see you next week and talk to you. Hopefully you will be able to read this email this weekend.

Miss seeing and talking to you,

Comment: Just so you know, this was the result of casual noncommittal conversation at work. I got busy with training and school, so I didn't have time to respond right away. In hindsight, he was probably attached to his computer waiting anxiously for a response from me. He waited a long LONG time. Then I had a conversation with him and I'll just give you the gist of it: I'm busy doing other things (read: NOT YOU) and you need to do your own things (read: NOT ME) so bugger off! Unfortunately, that just fanned the flames...

Hi V,

I am sorry for many things that I did to disappoint you for the last 5 months. I hope one day you can forgive me for some of my mistakes. I know that after sending this message, you may not write or speak to me again but that is the risk I am willing to make. Seeing you in the photograph you sent on May 20th reminded me of your fun-loving playful personality. You know every time I received an email or a call from you, my face is beaming up, similar to your in that photo. I should be the one to say sorry for missing all the valuable time to get to know you while I was at the TRC. You on the other hand do not have to say sorry because it took you a few days to reply. You are the nicest, kind and generous person I know. You always take good care of yourself as well as helping other people out.

I hope that I’ll see and talk to you again,

Please read the attachment…

COMMENT: So by now you're probably thinking, what the hell? Why are you calling/emailing/sending him photos? Oh, did you like how he states the exact date too? (Buckle in, you ain't seen nothing yet.) The photo was a group shot of me plus a group of coworkers pretending to push a gigantic boulder that we came across after that weekend's hike. I sent it to pretty much anyone who asked what we did that weekend. See what I get for trying to be nice? Now, let's get to the attachment which I classify as Creepiest-Shit-Ever.

Dear V:

Since Dec 16, 2003, the first day I saw you, I knew you were someone very special in every way. You caught me looking at you while I was talking to [some guy's full name], and you asked me if I was in your way. Prior to this day, I saw your name tag posted on your cube, and for some reason, I had a feeling that [my full name] is someone very special with a beautiful name. As that week dragged on, I wanted to talk to you at every moment but I was too shy to approach you. By Friday of that week, I left for home at around 11:00 a.m. you were heading out to lunch at the same time. As I approached my car, I saw that you were trying to take things from the back seat to put them in the back. It was a very cold morning; you were blowing air into your hands to keep warm as you were doing this; I knew at that moment you were the one I was meant to meet and to get to know better.
The following week, only a few people were at work, I managed to approach you to talk to you. Although we were there for only three days, I got to know a lot about you and your family. You were very excited as you looked at the photographs from the Spring Carnival at [college], your glowing smiles told the whole story. As we were viewing the photos, I looked into your beautiful eyes and saw you were very proud of the accomplishments at [colleges]. I will always cherish those moments. On the 24, I went out during lunchtime to try to find a pair of gloves because I was thinking of you and your hands from last Friday. I wanted to give you a pair gloves for Christmas, but I thought that was too soon so I did not go through with it. It was around 7:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve, when we finally left PK1, as we walked out the front door, you were a bit tire from the long hours at PK1, I was worried about your drive home, but I knew you would be careful when you were driving that eased my worried.
The week of the New Year was a fun week, you were there for only 2 and ½ days but we were able to play games and looking up information. The most enjoyable moments of that week were on the 31st of December, I got to go out to lunch with you, and later that day meeting your mom. You and your mom have a very special relationship and I admire that.
Then came January, the first week from the 5th to 8th was wonderful, I enjoy every moments we shared at PK1, we also sent email to each other for the first time. On the 8th, we left PK1 early, you were on your way to New York and I was going home. I remembered you told me that no one called you on your way back to New York so you have the phone off most of the time. And your mom happened to call you one time, but you did not answered so she was very worry. Now you leave the phone on so she can contact you if she needed to. I should have jumped at that chance to call you and talk to you while you were driving home, but I did not even bother to call you, I am very sorry for my stupidity. Later on that night when you got back to New York, you email me from your private email account for the first time. Instead of trying to email to you with nice conversations, I did not do much of that. Several of those emails that I sent to you weren’t uplifting to you at all, I can only say sorry now. I was not helpful during those days when you were trying to move into your apartment.
To further complicate things, I sent an email to only take a look at PK3 but instead I was forced to move to PK3, thereby I see less of you each day beginning on the 26th of January. Only when I was forced to move to PK3, I finally called you for the first time on the 23rd, I wanted to call you many time before that day, I am so sorry I did not call to talk to you. On the 28th, the day before you left for New York, I will always remembered that conversation because we cover a lot of topics that night, you were so patience and thoughtful of my circumstances. My regret was I did not get to see you the next morning before you left because I was doing those net-G courses and reading newspapers. From then on, I rarely came down to PK1 because we were not allowed to use the walkway between PK3 and PK1 almost the entire month of February. Everyday, I wished I had not made the decision to take a look at PK3 when I was there. I should have come down to visit you more often then but I was too lazy to put on my coat and walked around the buildings. I know that I lost a lot of valuable time to get to know you, but I can not do anything to change that now, again I just can say that I am sorry for all the problems I have caused.
Ever since January 29th, the day you left for New York, I have missed seeing your smiles, talking to you, laughing with you. I have missed everything about you. I wanted to call and email you everyday, but I made a promise to you in the email on 17th of February, I tried to honor that promise as best as I can. Then, by some coincidence, I was very grateful to have a chance to talk to you on the 18th of March for the first time in more than a month. You were so considerate I was touched by your generosity. I remembered, you got up late and went to work without makeup, but with/without makeup, you’re always beautiful. What fascinated me about you though is not only your beauty but your kind-hearted, you are the only person to give me a chance to explain my education mishaps and you were generous to accept my flaws, you helped me setup those classes in LMS, your free-spiritedness and playfulness w/the people you come in contact, your work ethic, and most of all your respect for your parents. I wanted to call you everyday that weekend but I wanted to wait until next week to ask you for your permission if I can call and talk to you again.
Then on Monday, the 22nd, I received a called saying that I was cleared, I was happy and sad at the same time. I was sad because I did not have more time to talk to you. On my last day at Parkridge, I meant to come back around noon that day to ask you permission before I call you again to chat, but once the briefing was done that day, I was told to stay at Stonegate. I am sorry that I did not ask you first before I call you beginning on the 6th of April. I just hope you can forgive me and allow me to call you to talk about different things. I know that I can email you at work, but because at work, the computers for regular email are setup as kiosks, shared by many people so most of the time I only use these kiosks at the beginning and ending of each workday. Since I left Parkridge on the morning of the 23rd of March, I have missed everything about you. I hope I can see you again.

You are my best friend, someone who is always there
Miss you very much,


COMMENT: Ummmm, yeah. So then I reported him to HR. And in case you're wondering, we went to lunch only once, in the very beginning. But unfortunately, these pathetic guys can't differentiate lunch as a necessity from a lunch date. Very sad. And he met my mom when she picked me up from work one day. I gave her a nickel tour of the facility where she met Kebwin along with 50 other people. Oy vey.

And that's all I have to say about these interactions. Maybe if you stick around long enough, I'll post about 46-year-old creepy stalker dude.


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